
Please add any comments, thoughts or suggestions about the route here:

24 thoughts on “Comments

  1. Congratulations and well done in realising the Newent Cycling Loop through all your hard work. It must be very satisfying to see the project develop from a plan to reality.
    I cycled the Loop earlier today and thoroughly enjoyed the ride through some beautiful and varied countryside. A very warm welcome and a freshly baked croissant with my mid ride coffee from the staff at Bromsberrow Community Shop and Cafe made it all the more enjoyable.
    Thank you for all your work in the creation of Newent Cycling Loop.
    Kind regards

  2. Just to let you know that I and another cyclist noticed that there was a N Loop sign at Ryton, directing cyclists to the right up past Gallows Cottage to Ketford when cycling the route today 27 August. Taking cyclists of the route to Bromsberrow Heath.

  3. The Newent cycle loop is great. Thank you for all your hard work putting this together. I have cycled it a couple of times already and shall be doing it again very soon.
    It’s very well sign posted and the option of a shorter route is great.
    Really can’t wait to get out there again.

  4. Very good ride. Nice that this route has been put together. My only area of concern is the Church Way and Court Road in Newent which asks cyclists to dismount.

    Would it not be more sensible to redirect this route elsewhere. A number of cyclists are wearing cycling shoes that make it impractical to walk in. It does seem strange having a cycling route that asks a cyclist to dismount .

    1. Dave, this is a fair point. Ideally we would like to make the route from Court Rd to Church Way a shared path so that cyclists don’t have to dismount, only proceed with caution. The only other alternative would be to come down Gloucester St, but this is narrow and flanked by walls and is very dangerous for cyclists. Obviously, there is nothing to stop someone going the Gloucester St way at their own peril!
      Cycle paths often have Dismount sections, for example, at junctions.

  5. Thanks for putting in the hard work to make such a good route. We only did half of it because it was very cold but looking forward to trying out the whole route when it gets warmer. It is well signposted and there are some good stops for food & drink. We had very friendly service in Bromsberrow Heath Community Shop and looking forward to going to the Boat in Summer.

  6. A really great cycle route through beautiful countryside and on my doorstep. Even though I took a map it was so well signposted that I didn’t need it. I shall be biking it again very soon.

  7. Having spent the whole of July during the last 25 years in Europe , mostly France for the tour, we decided, not certain why, to have our summer cycling break in England. We live in Worthing where the traffic is pretty heavy and even the lanes are busy so we headed back to the Midlands were we used to live.
    The roads were quieter, and the driving better, but I was pretty disappointed until we chanced upon the Newent Loop. What a fantastic ride. We included the Ledbury Link, where we had tea, and it was a great route. We have done numerous signposted rides in Europe and have found nothing comparable in England until we rode the Newent Loop.
    An excellent ride, I hope at some stage to ride it again, probably when we visit friends again in the area. I have some idea of the work required to produce such a signed route and you have done a great job.

  8. Hello I really enjoyed cycling the Newent Loop this morning. I started at dawn (on a Sunday!) so mostly had it to myself. All went well until I found myself at the Trioscape garden centre. Obviously I missed a sign. Did i see a sign on the Gloucester road pointing towards Gloucester? Anyway perhaps you could review the signs in that area for the more stupid fraternity like me Many thanks

    1. Tom I’m glad you enjoyed your ride. Trioscape is not actually on the route but there is a “spur” signposted with a coffee cup from the route. There is also a sign on the B4125 that points to the route to catch the eye of anyone passing that might be interested. Did you have a map or were you relying on just the signs?

  9. I passed through Newent on a ride down to the Cotswolds and noticed the Newent Loop. What a great thing! My wife helps run a group of cyclists from Halesowen Cycling Club. We’d like to bring a group down, park on a pub car-park, do the loop then go into the pub for lunch. Could you recommend a pub that would be happy for us to do this on a week-end day? Many thanks

  10. Great route. well signposted. Combined it with the Ledbury loop for a day out.
    Going to ride it again tomorrow with friends, but more slowly to visit St Marys and the bee shelter etc.

    1. Thank you for your positive feedback. Can I ask: are you local, how did your hear about the Newent Loop, did you have one or leaflet maps?

  11. In August 2018 I was staying at a holiday cottage in Poolhill. I was delighted to find this map pinned on the local village hall notice board. I loved the quiet roads all week. So much so – I’m returning this August with my bike.
    Question – is there a lack of good pubs within the route?
    Thanks to the organisers.

    1. Alan, thank you for your comments, there are plenty of pubs in Newent, one in Dymock and one near Red Marley.

      I will email new map with updated list.

  12. This loop is a great credit to all the hard work of those involved in setting it up. I spotted it from the superb info board in the Newent town car park, then set about marking up on some OS maps to get us round. I needn’t have bothered, as the signposting is first class, rendering my maps for use as a bit of peace of mind only. Mentioning the coffee stop at the Bromsberrow community shop at the halfway point was helpful and a great place for a quick pit stop. The roads were quiet, very picturesque and easy to cycle, winding through such beautiful countryside, especially at this time of year.

    A thoroughly enjoyable morning for both of us and you are to be congratulated for creating such a wonderful asset for those visiting the area.

    Andrew Moore

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