Newent Cycling Loop

Newent Loop Blue Sign


Missing signpost – an important signpost has been removed in Red Marley by Gloucestershire Highways department after being damaged by a motorist. This post included a sign for the 19 mile shortcut back to Newent. We are hoping that it is repaired and returned soon. Newent Cycling Group apologise for any inconvenience. In the meantime, please use a printed map or GPX route to confirm your directions.

March 2025 – New wall maps and leaflets

January 2024 – SSL certificate added

About the Newent Loop

The Newent Loop is a 28 mile on road cycling route on quiet roads and lanes through the Gloucestershire countryside. There are two short cut routes of 19 miles each. The routes are sign posted and can be ridden in either a clockwise or an anti-clockwise direction.

Newent Loop leaflet front cover

CAUTION: the routes cross busy main roads at several points.

CAUTION: please dismount and take extra care when using the path between Church Way and Court Road in Newent. Local residents who use this footpath have reported cyclists riding illegally on the pavement.